Support for GeoPackage, PostGIS, Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, with more coming soon.
Kart supports regular vector GIS point, line, and polygon features.
Kart also supports non-geospatial flat data tables — stored alone or in repositories with vector geospatial data.
Store and version control raster and grid data at the tile level.
Store and version control LAS data at the tiled file level.
Translate datasets in Kart repos into other file formats.
Kart operations are performed locally — a huge advantage over server-based systems.
Kart supports multiple independent local branches — create, merge, and delete them in seconds.
Clone, alter and work with a geographical subset of a larger repo.
Review, compare, and quickly switch to any change made since the dataset's inception.
Accurately synchronize datasets between systems in seconds. Kart moves and applies a minimal compressed set of changes.
Store multiple datasets per repository, and organize by project or dataset.
Version control of files stored and transported along with data.
Alter and version control XML metadata and license files.